Flutter: Starlight Wikia

Blue Underwing
◀︎ Placeholder§Headericon
White Tiger Moth
Japanese Moon Moth
#189 Blue Underwing
(Currently not available through the incubator)

Icon§Butterflies Icon§CC Icon§Flutterpedia Icon§CC Icon§Caterpillar Icon§CC Icon§Cocoon Icon§CC Icon§Egg

Blue Underwing§Flutterpedia

Scientific Name: (Event)
Set: Default Wisp Set§Icon Natsu
Rarity: RarityIcon§Epic Epic
Size: SizeIcon§Medium Medium

Incubation Time: N/A
Caterpillar Time: N/A
Egg Lay Cost: Icon§Glowbuck N/A
Fusing: Icon§CC N/A on all stages
Selling Value: Icon§CC N/A on all stages

Description: N/A

Level Data
Level Pollen to next level Coin Production
Level0Icon N/A Icon§PollenSmall Icon§CC N/A every N/A
Level1Icon N/A Icon§PollenBig Icon§CC N/A every N/A
Level2Icon N/A Icon§TwoPollen Icon§CC N/A every N/A
Level3Icon N/A Icon§ThreePollen Icon§CC N/A every N/A
Level4Icon N/A Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC N/A every N/A
Level5Icon N/A Icon§FourPollen Icon§CC N/A every N/A
*If there's an asterisk next to the number, the data isn't fully confirmed yet.